DRAM spot sector was again reported quiet and sluggish

DRAM spot sector was again reported quiet and sluggish. According to the weak demand, plus the effect of clean-out inventory at the end of the month from players, numbers were down violently. 256Mb 32Mx8 White Brand price dropped more than 1% to USD 3.65 per chip.


With ample supplement in the market, Flash prices were under the downward pressure and skidded sharply today. Regardless of the lower numbers, demand and trades were relatively few as buyers adopted wait-and-see attitude and were reluctant to pay for more components. Quotes of NAND 1G/2G/4G/8G were subdued to USD 7.85/16.5/33/5/63 per chip, respectively.

Softening market sentiment was reported in both DRAM and Flash prices
Prices of major ICs succumbed to descending price pressure
Posted in Market Review.