
Attributed to the seasonal low demand, plus the approaching Lunar New Year holidays, this week started with sluggish conditions in the spot sectors for DRAM and Flash. Moreover, as buying interests for piling-up inventory were not occurred as expected, trading was very slow and prices were dragged lower since last week. Prices of major ICs were with light downward pressure and sources indicated that no rebound signal was viewed till the end of holidays. Meanwhile, it was reported that except for NAND 4G price which was slightly adjusted upward to USD 32.6 per chip as demand emerged in the afternoon, NAND 1G/2G/8G pricings dropped further to USD 8.2/17.9/61.3 per chip.


Our office will be closed from Feb. 5 to Feb. 13 and will resume on Feb. 14 owing to Chinese New Year. As a result, we will only update the Spot Price of our website once a day at 7:00 PM during holidays. We apologize for the inconvenience. EscortRam appreciates your support and wish you all a successful new year.

Prices of major ICs succumbed to descending price pressure
It was reported a quite note in the market
Posted in Market Review.